The Gathering

Mary had planned every detail immaculately in such a short period. She knew the day had to be perfect, to her taste and his also.

The guests began to lay siege to the venue at noon, just as she’d planned.

“They came on time,” Mary said with a slight tone of disbelief.

“Can’t believe it’s noon already,” replied her sister, Maddie, while browsing through the guests to see who she could recognize. She could estimate about fifty guests. Her sister did say she wanted it to be a small gathering.

“Ten past noon,” said Mary, staring at her watch.

“We had better get started.”

“But your mother-in-law isn’t here yet,” retorted Maddie in a manner that reminded Mary of her childhood squabbles with her little sister.

They still quarreled often, only this time without mum or dad to negotiate the peace. Mary and Maddie had been orphaned twelve years earlier, no thanks to a drunk driver.

“Guess we’d have to begin without her; we can’t leave the guests waiting,” Mary said without hiding her dislike for her mother-in-law.

She had always been against Mary’s marriage to her son, Jason, but that never deterred them. The love they shared made sure of that.

Mary scanned the room briefly, but all she could notice were the flowers. Lilies. She and Jason’s favourite.

She looked to the priest, signalling that he could now begin. The priest nodded in response, looked down at his notes, and began.

“We are gathered here today to -” started the priest but was interrupted by the arrival of Jason’s mother.

“She’s here,” Maddie whispered to her sister.

“Welcome, Mrs. Hampshire,” said the priest to the late arriver. He looked down at his notes and began speaking again –

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of our dearly departed brother, friend, son, and husband, Jason Hampshire.”

Published by Toyosi Awodiji

I'm a budding lawyer with a passion for writing, and this blog is an expression of this passion.

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